Silly Dustrabbit. / You Know
You Know
JoinedPosts by You Know
You Know's match of the week
by dustrabbit inas the title says, here's the recommendation to cure you know's loneliness:.
go get her, you know, she's waiting....
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
Seems to me, being the "Dummy Slave" (and not the "Discreet Slave"), he certainly is not a very worthy leader by any means to be in charge of God's Household.
Well, that would explain why you are an apostate dub I suppose. / You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
This link is for Dubula. It indicates that the book-cooking fraud originates at the top. The govenrment has all kinds of gimmicks that they use to put out phony numbers, which are later usually downvised to give later numbers a percentage increase in comparison with the lowered previous numbers. For the last few years the establishment is only concerned about getting through the next quater without a catastrophe. / You Know
You Know
I am thinking about marketing a line of wind-up aposto-dolls. Where you just say the name Jehovah's Witness or Watchtower and they flop over and start cursing in tongues and spewing green pea soup out of their nostrils. (Green pea soup mix sold separately) LOL / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 28 June 2002 7:46:59
You Know
Hey, kid, maybe in a few years mom and dad will let your drink something other than hot chocolate. / You Know
You Know
Uh, yes, right, sorry, I am just putting on the coffee. Check your box in about an hour once the caffinated infusion starts to take effect. Have a great day bro.
/ You Know
BUSh Declares Our RIGHTs come from GOD!
by plmkrzy ini dont know what happened it dissapeared!
that was so wierd!
You Know
We all know Dubya ain't the most articulate guy. He was misunderstood. What he really said was that 'our rights come from gog.'
/ You Know
Any ex-annointed ones here or know of any?
by carlitos71 inin all seriousness, i would like to know from anybody in this forum if anybody on here had ever experienced such an "annointing".
even though i do not believe in the tower and its teachings for a couple of years now, i would always question the supposed "feelings" an "annointed" person was suupposed to have.
in light of younger people claiming to be of this "annointed class" in recent years, i question their motive and all of those that were older which were most likely "annointed'".. thanks
You Know
You an exjw who was anointed.
LOL / You Know
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
So YK, you cannot have it both ways. If they are anointed, then they must have accurate knowledge. That means they are "sinning" with knowledge, in which case the blood of Jesus does not help them. Or you have to admit they are not anointed and so do not have accurate knowledge as of yet. In that case, then forgiven could be granted. But they cannot be "anointed" and at the same time lack crucial "accurate knowledge" while practicing sin before God. That combination doesn't work.
Nonsense. That's not the way it works. In fact it's the exact opposite of what you suppose. Here's why: Jesus' judgment of his slaves says, "that the slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will will be beaten with many strokes. (destroyed in fact) But the one that DID NOT UNDERSTAND and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with a few." The evil slave and his apostate dub followers fit the description of the slave that knew but didn't perform. The majority of the anointed are simply guilty of sins of ignorance and neglect.
"Israel must be restored spiritually, before the Spokeperson role is bestowed upon the nation, the above prophecy says. They are "restored" before God "puts His Words in their mouth" as of a true prophet. They will at that time, speak "truth", and experience the "change to a pure language" of truth. They will speak truth to each other at that time, when God restores them.
Correct. We are not Jehovah's spokesmen to the world in the same manner that we will be in the future.
Now, I know you think this prophecy applies to Jehovah's Witnesses and not to the world in general, right? The "shoulder to shoulder" unity and all. That can only be Jehovah's Witnesses, according to you. So then you must be saying Jehovah's Witnesses are going to receive a "change to a pure language". You have to say this. But why is this needed?
The change comes about as a result of the refining that Jehovah performs upon his people. Whereby all error and flasehood will be absolutely eliminated.
Well, it is because they really need it. They need a "change", to speaking real truth. A true "change" is really needed too, since they've been lying the whole way. So a "change" is long over due and needed for lying Israel.
No agrument there. Jehovah knows exactly what we need. And you can be sure that Ray Franz and his presumptuous anointed- wannabe disciples will not have any part in what Jehovah performs for us. / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 27 June 2002 17:27:19
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
You Know
The Society for many years after Chuck assumed room temperature strongly maintained that Russell was the wise slave of Matthew 24:45 and that anyone who strayed from his teachings were the apostates.
That can't be true. The Russellites no doubt maintained that Russell was the slave both before, and after his death, but they were the ones who turned out to be apostates. Rutherford and the others apparently knew otherwise, which is why they fought so hard to counter the evil influence of the Russelites at that time. Now of course, as I said, the Russellites are irrelevant as far as Jehovah's Witnesses are concerned. It wasn't that Russell's teachings were wrong, it is that, well, obviously, dead men have no authority. And, of course, that's why the Devil wanted Jehovah's people to follow a dead man. But the faithful slave has authority over God's house up until the master arrives, if the household goes on, so does the slave's authority over it. The brothers back then were not nearly as stupid as you imagine. / You Know